Love it free & ask for free condoms at your doorstep!
RIHL (Root India Healthcare Ltd) has started a Free Condom Online Store in India to curb the spread of HIV in the country. According to the statistics, India has the third highest number of infected people. This new RIH store will deliver condoms at the doorstep, cutting down the taboo around buying one from a store.
About India
In India, an estimated 2.1 million people are HIV positive and these numbers are despite Indian government’s hardcore efforts to control the spread. So, RIHL came up with this idea of creating a shop that delivers condoms to the doorstep. With this, they are hoping that people won’t face the awkwardness of going to a pharmacy to buy one and in turn more and more people will practice safe sex.
Management speaks, RIHL’s programme director for India said, “We encourage individuals and organisations to send in a request of minimum one box (100 pieces). Delivery will be made within a week to any major city of India”.
Management speaks, RIHL’s programme director for India said, “We encourage individuals and organisations to send in a request of minimum one box (100 pieces). Delivery will be made within a week to any major city of India”.
How to order?
The campaign has been named ‘Love with Precaution’ and it will be delivering across India, African, SAARC Countries. A request to order can be placed via an email to
Why Free?
We expect, this initiative would not fail like when the government tried to give away free condoms through vending machines. You would not believe people vandalised these machines and some even uprooted the machine and took it home. This new idea should work, what do you think?
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