Universal health coverage is major global milestone

WHO welcomes Inter-Parliamentary Union resolution on UHC
The World Health Organization today welcomed a new IPU (Inter-Parliamentary Union) resolution on achieving UHC (Universal Health Coverage) by 2030. A month after this resolution was adopted at the IPU Legislative Assembly in Belgrade, Serbia, the heads of state gave a high consensus — a UN political declaration on the UHC in New York.
The UHC is considered a cornerstone for rapid sustainable global development as leaders and communities acknowledge that health is both a human right and necessary for economic development.
Universal health coverage is a political option. Last month, world leaders indicated their readiness to make that choice. Now the time has come to convert those commitments to health outcomes, ”Dr. Said Tedros Adnom Ghebreyus, Director General of WHO.
He told: MPs have an vital role to do so. Because it is the MPs who pass laws and allocate funds. It tells the parliaments who are accountable for the commitments made by the government and the partnerships That help countries make universal health coverage a reality.
Today’s resolution called on parliaments and lawmakers to “take all possible measures to achieve UHC”, emphasizing the need for a strong legal framework and allocating adequate resources.
Like the United Nations declaration, it emphasizes the assurance of strong primary health care — the provision of essential health services at the community level — and strengthening health systems. It also emphasizes the role of robust health systems and services in ensuring global health security. Only when the most vulnerable groups can receive health care can a country protect its people and ensure that the outbreak does not turn into an epidemic. The resolution includes a strong focus on women, children and adolescent health, including sexual and reproductive health.
The resolution ends with a request from the WHO to work with the IPU and other partners to support the implementation of the resolution at the global, regional and country levels and monitor progress.
“The resolution highlights the power of cooperation between the IPU and WHO, and makes the MoU signed by both of us in October 2018,” Dr. Tedros said.
